Monday, June 14, 2010


I'm not big on spontaneity. I'm a planner, and I make lists. Lots of them. You should see my grocery lists. They're ridiculously planned out and organized. First, I write out a menu (in the form of a list, of course) for a set period of time, usually a week. Then under each meal, I list out ingredients I need to purchase in order to make that particular meal. If I have an ingredient in the pantry or refrigerator, it doesn't go on the list. Then, I flip the paper over and begin my second grocery list. This list is insanely organized by specific categories in the order of the grocery store's layout. I know it's a little OCD (or maybe a lot OCD), but I can't help it. My grocery shopping is disastrous if I go without my list organized this way. I've been at this blogging thing for just a few hours, and I'm already falling into my list-making habit. When I started out, I was committed to being spontaneous with it. I was going to post things as they came to mind or whenever something of interest occurred. That lasted all of 5 minutes before I had a small panic attack (slight exaggeration) and realized I couldn't do it. I needed a list. I needed a plan! So here's what I'm planning on posting in the next few days/weeks, in no particular order. Shocking, I know! I want to do a post for each member of my immediate family, as well as a small handful of special people. I'd like to dive into our (in)fertility journey. Along the way there may be a few random posts having to do with cooking/baking, crafts, things I'm learning, things I'm thinking, everyday happenings, and anything else that pops into my head. See, I'm putting spontaneity on the list! That totally counts.


  1. Yay!!!! I didn't know you had a blog, and I am SO GLAD I found you! I always said that I wouldn't be a blogger either. I am too worried about what other people think, so I am very cautious about what I say. You probably couldn't tell from some of the things I post though-I've been known to make a fool of myself! I can't wait to hear parts of your story. I think it will help you to tell it, and for others to hear it! (So- share on!) I love you!

  2. you're crazy...but i still love ya! :-) i started a blog in april as first post was very similar to yours. (i think we're probably more alike than we realized during our wonderful year of living together!) i'm looking forward to reading what you have to say. hopefully we'll get to see you sometime soon so we can catch up in person!!

  3. I'm so excited that I have a follower already!!! Thanks for finding me. I love your blog, and you DO NOT make a fool of yourself at all. I love everything you write, and I get dorkily (it is SO a word!) excited when there's a new post! Keep writing. Love you, Libby!

  4. Now I have TWO followers?!? I might not be able to handle this. Rach, I had no idea you had a blog, and I can't wait to read it! I miss you. Come to Greenville!

  5. No, now you have THREE followers! Loving it!
